
What is ArbiterLive?

ArbiterLive is a game-changing platform for sports officials that has revolutionized the way they manage their schedules, assignments, and communication with other officials and administrators. This web-based software has been designed to streamline the entire process of assigning games to officials, making it easier for them to manage their schedules and keep track of their assignments.
ArbiterLive has been designed to cater to the needs of officials working in a wide range of sports, including basketball, football, volleyball, baseball, and softball. With its easy-to-use interface and powerful features, ArbiterLive has quickly become the go-to solution for sports officials who want to stay organized and on top of their game.

How Does ArbiterLive Work?

ArbiterLive works by allowing officials to create a personal profile that includes their availability, contact information, and preferences. Using this information, the platform's powerful scheduling algorithm assigns games to officials based on their availability and skill level.
Once a game has been assigned, officials receive instant notifications via email or text message, and they can easily accept or decline the assignment with just a few clicks. They can also view their entire schedule at a glance, including upcoming games, past games, and any changes or updates to their assignments.
One of the key benefits of ArbiterLive is its ability to facilitate communication between officials and administrators. Officials can easily communicate with each other and with administrators through the platform, making it easier to coordinate schedules and resolve any issues that may arise.

Why Choose ArbiterLive?

ArbiterLive is the ultimate solution for sports officials who want to stay organized, manage their schedules, and communicate effectively with other officials and administrators. Here are some of the key benefits of using ArbiterLive:
1. Streamlined scheduling: ArbiterLive's powerful scheduling algorithm makes it easy for officials to manage their schedules and stay on top of their assignments.
2. Communication: Officials can easily communicate with each other and with administrators through the platform, making it easier to coordinate schedules and resolve any issues that may arise.
3. Availability management: Officials can easily update their availability and preferences, making it easier for the platform to assign games that fit their schedule and skill level.
4. Notifications: Officials receive instant notifications via email or text message when a game is assigned or updated, making it easy to stay on top of their schedule.


What sports does ArbiterLive support?

ArbiterLive supports a wide range of sports, including basketball, football, volleyball, baseball, and softball. The platform is designed to cater to the needs of officials working in any sport.

How does ArbiterLive handle scheduling conflicts?

ArbiterLive's powerful scheduling algorithm takes into account officials' availability and preferences when assigning games. If a scheduling conflict arises, officials can easily communicate with each other and with administrators through the platform to resolve the issue.

Is ArbiterLive easy to use?

Yes, ArbiterLive is designed to be easy to use and navigate. The platform's user-friendly interface and intuitive features make it easy for officials to manage their schedules and assignments.


ArbiterLive is the ultimate solution for sports officials who want to stay organized, manage their schedules, and communicate effectively with other officials and administrators. With its powerful features and user-friendly interface, ArbiterLive has quickly become the go-to platform for sports officials working in a wide range of sports. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new official, ArbiterLive can help you stay on top of your game.